No one looks at me and thinks, “Yep, that chick is definitely a psychic.” I don’t look particularly psychic. I choose not to lose myself in my spirituality. My intuition is grounded in my daily life. That daily life includes: laundry, chauffeuring kids around, a fair amount of swearing, and if I’m lucky a martini. You can be intuitive without giving up who you are or what makes you happy. You can talk to your spirit guides without eschewing modern life and its conveniences. Here are the 5 ways I stay grounded while cultivating my intuition.
Make Spirituality Fit Into Your Life.
I am a firm believer that spirituality has to fit into your life and not the other way around. I am a busy mom of two boys. I don’t have the time or luxury of attending a meditation retreat. I’m sure it’s lovely but, I want to bring the retreat vibes to my hectic school mornings. I don’t want to check out for several days and leave my husband to fend for himself. I want to infuse that peace, that zen, into the chaos of life. So, spirituality has to fit into your life. So if you are like me, don’t try to meditate for forty minutes in the morning before the rest of your house wakes up for the day. I’ve tried it and find that I am usually quite grumpy if I get up that early. Instead, connect to your breath in the drop off line at school or, while at a stop light. Some days this is all there is time for. That’s okay. Make it fit into your life.
Be Unapologetically Yourself
I used to think that if I wasn’t a zenned out yogi that I couldn’t be spiritual. That could not be further from the truth! Spirit/God/Your Guides/Angels (whatever you want to call them) uses your uniqueness to connect with you and help you share your light. I get Botox, swear like a sailor, and enjoy the aforementioned martinis. Nothing about that screams spiritual. But guess what? That is what Spirit uses to enable me to help others. I am very grounded and down to earth. My guides use my personality, my experiences to spread light. You possess unique talents and gifts. You and your spiritual practices do not need to look like anyone else’s. You do not need to change yourself to be more spiritual. You are perfect just the way you are. Embrace it.
Do What Brings You Joy
When you are cultivating your intuition you begin to examine the way you receive guidance. One way that people often overlook while tapping into their intuition is joy. What brings you joy? Do you love to cook? Are you a musician? Do you love shopping? Spirit uses the activities that bring us joy to send us messages. For example, I love horseback riding. On the surface this does not appear to be a particularly spiritual or intuitive activity. I receive some of the most profound spiritual guidance from my horseback riding instructor during my lessons. My guides use this activity to send me messages What activity do you love to do? Next time you are doing something that brings you joy look at it closely and through a spiritual lens. You will be blown away by what you see.
Don’t Let Others “Should” You
I cannot tell you how many “quick and easy” sixty minute morning routines I have seen on social media. These posts are what I call “shoulds”. They all seem to say, “You should meditate. You should stop drinking alcohol. You should ground daily.” I will never have time to meditate with the sunrise, gratitude journal and mindfully make my matcha before my children wake. That is just not the season of life I am in right now. I’m lucky if I get one cup of coffee before someone is asking me to feed them. I don’t know about you but, I hate a “should.” Cultivating your intuition is all about listening to yourself. If you are letting others tell you how you should connect to your angels you never will. If a practice resonates with you, do it! If it doesn’t, leave it. There are no “shoulds” in intuition.
Love Your Body
I tell all of my clients, really anyone who will listen, that intuition lives in the body. We are all divine souls living in a human body. The body is where our soul lives when we are humans and it is where we receive our intuition. Unfortunately, we live in a time where we are told overtly and subconsciously how our bodies are wrong. Too many stretch marks, too flabby, too big, too skinny, etc. If you feel disconnected from your body you will never connect with your intuition. Your body also helps you stay grounded while tapping into higher levels of consciousness. So love your body, imperfections and all. Our bodies are our greatest intuitive tool and when we love them and really drop into them, everything flows.